Tread Delicately

“Tread delicately. We are dealing with humans lives here.” Clive Barker wrote in his Abarat series.

That says so much about how we are, as the human race. The majority of everything that we do involves other people. Fragile, weak, and easily inspired creatures. Children, basically.

It says a lot, too, about my work that I’ve been doing for over a decade now with people displaced, hurt, abused, tormented by troubles they were thrown into and often the ones they’ve inflicted upon themselves, unknowingly or out of confusion.

The only thing I cared to produce is care and respect, and the only thing I cared to put on shelves is the knowledge to others that help was available and time comes right for good things to happen. Other than that, I was not interested in any production/consumption, because that very model of living kills the human spirit and rots the mind. We are too fragile for that crap.

the image was copied from thankyou.

Ordered Apoptosis

Most of these things 

That we call improvements and inventions

Only make us less adaptable

To the coming times

When we won’t be able to 

Make lemonade from fruits that nature throws at us.

The Internet-based private life

Is an illusion of comfort.

Your cute, paper sheet thin cell phones

Just invite your brain cells death.

This that we lead is no life,

But our orders of apoptosis.

We will not believe it

When the skies will fall,

Unless it was written about

On our tiny gadgets newsfeed.

Look at all these glorified precious tokens of our cute progressive lives

Without which we can’t even crap in peace!

How is that a healthy life,

When it constantly depends 

On being attached to a machine of some sort?

At times it may feel much more of a positive existence

When someone or something 

Provides you with a myriad of services and data

In a blink of an eye

Than in a country where bombs fall every day

And a piece of bread in an underground shelter 

Is the only thing truly cherished 

Besides a friendly voice of another survivor.

But is it really a healthy living 

When you exist in a permanent illusion?

the image was copied from Facebook on February 13, 2022. thankyou.

trap door

I was illuminated the other day

with a thought I’ve overheard

that every bottom has a trap door.

you know how we’re told

that eventually we hit rock bottom

and we’re made by life to stop

our self-will life-eviscerating journey?

That’s where we wake up

and turn our life around

for the benefit of self and others

and keep saying, “yeah i hit it

there is nowhere farther to fall.

I’m done now. I’m really done.”

well, here is a disturbing thought for you:

if we are resting stagnantly,

there could and most likely is

a trap door in each bottom floor,

so there is no “true bottom,”

we can go beyond our worst nightmare

created by our ego and blindness.

there are many more ways to fall

annihilating peace and respect,

self-esteem and stability

and all else that is positive and sane.

remember that and watch your step.

there are black ice spots on the road,

and the whirling doors swing faster than expected,

but the trap doors in the bottom floors

are opened by our own hands.

the image was copied from and eviscerated by me. thankyou.


Some door in me has closed

When mother was taken away.

Some deep doubt in believing overcomes me

When my woman goes through pain.

Some part of me died

When my brother left this earth.

Some tissue in my core rattles

When I think of my father grieving, living alone from all.

Some bird screams in my head as if in terror

When I recall all this.

It screams constantly.

Combined Factors of Pouring Light

I suppose there cannot be true recovery and progress without gratitude for what have happened outside of one’s personal efforts. Changes roll along the horizon and the wind of difference blows in many ways that are sometimes in alignment of what we hope for, and sometimes not.

I was lucky. When I came to an AA meeting 16 years back, I had no idea what to expect, and yet the wind did blow in alignment to what my tortured mind and spirit were calling for. I kept revisiting the meeting and kept listening and sharing. The social factor united with the spiritual worked wonders for my recovery. Combination of all the right things, even though sometimes looking scary and not something I wanted to do the work in, brought me to the places where I felt and home and had support I never hoped for.

I still look back once in a while and think “Hell, I haven’t really did much, have I?” The Steps work was not like a coal mine work. It was a cozy time with a book and a conversation with a person who walked in my shoes. But it was still hard at times, because I had to look deep inside at things I said and did, things that were not nice, things I wasn’t proud of, and some that I was ashamed of. Strength with which I addressed those issues and confusions paid for success in continued abstinence and more joyful living, enjoying sobriety.

How? I had poured those efforts and hopes into the recovery that I believed in, and what came out, as reflected light, with the support of the AA community and the spirit of healing was a light of ten-fold strength. That thought kind of lived with me for years, but I’ve never put into words until recently I looked up yet again at the Pink Floyd poster in my room and realized that the “Dark Side of the Moon” cover art reflected those thoughts exactly. The Promises of AA worked for me so greatly. I’ve received in sobriety so much more than I’ve put in.

Thank you again, Dave T., fellow in recovery, who gifted me that poster and thank you to those that supported me all these years. It is my thinking of you and I, that keeps me together. May we all last joyous and free in mind, body, and spirit!


the image was copied from and sand-blasted by me. there is also some interesting info on that page how the artwork came about. thank ya!

Allowing the Learning

I know the Force may be with me, but I think it is important to let it be with me. In other words, I need to allow myself to accept change, just as allowing myself to learn of it, or the lessons that come my way.

Over 15 years ago, I saw the signs that there were negative events happening in my life regarding alcohol consumption, and yet I’ve chosen to disregard them until they stared me right in the face.

I had to make myself teachable in order to learn. I could’ve been taught by the most brilliant minds, and still receive nothing. So often when been talked to as a kid and youth, I blocked it all, staring into the space of the floor. Why? Perhaps I knew not how to react, how to say what I was really thinking. Perhaps there was pride involved. Perhaps I didn’t understand why I wouldn’t be just left alone in serenity of my own devices. The point is, I blocked what was said, and made the people who were trying to break out to me disgruntled.

Disgruntlement kept blooming where I went from there on, and sometimes I had no idea I’ve caused it. Also very important, I wasn’t learning, be it from school classes, or people, or environment. Thus, naturally, I kept making mistakes, usually the same ones.

It took dire circumstance such as realization of being enslaved by alcoholism and asking strangers of AA for help to allow myself to learn. I had to recognize personal mental deterioration to invite positive change. I had to allow myself to learn to get better, because, again, no success of recovery could be instilled if I refused accepting help.

From the day of my allowing myself to accept change, my life started to spring in positive direction. So far it has been 16 years of it, and many things were accomplished, mostly because learning from the initial experience of acceptance, I’ve practiced embracing openness to change on a daily basis, whether I liked it or not. When you ask the cosmos for assistance or somewhat re-assurance, you recognize personal vulnerability and become open to suggestion. Among other things, it’s called a prayer. I prayed a lot in the last decade and a half, simply because there were so many things out of my control, and because by then time I knew of my powerlessness AND accepted that vulnerability was not always being a negative thing.

Let the Force be with you. Allow it.

the image was copied from thank you.

inevitable wounds, lucky scars

Most of us

Are lucky

To have scars

Form over wounds.

We may forget,

Or not even know

That there are some

In their hemophilic body and spirit

That keeps bleeding.

I’d rather have

Actual scars in my skin

Than scabs of old carnage

Over my soul.

Reality whispers into my ear

That doesn’t work like that.

People’s energy keeps being bled

And the wise ones call it


Sometimes I wonder

If I can pass that knowledge

For, clearly,

I wouldn’t need it

Like some subjects

I wasted years on in school.

But I guess

Some crap still manages

To fly into your life

Even if you shut the windows well.

The fortunate ones live with scars

And over time

They become a part of our skin

To the point

We often don’t notice them

For what they are,

Or remember

What they represented.

We live on and care for our skin.

With creams and oils.

I do remember what they came from, though

That’s why I am still here –

My scars became part of my body

In a healthy way

Because my pain

From obtaining those wounds

Made me stronger.

I remember what I cannot do

And why.

Experience is no longer

Such a negative word

In my vocabulary.

the image was copied from Funny enough, this video demonstrates how to removes scars with the use of Photoshop program.

unplain view

Sometimes I must be blind to life itself,

And being deaf to reasoning

For me is no stranger.

My excuse is the pulse of existence so mercilessly fast,

And rules that seem to change every hour.

I swim in the river,

Paying attention to direction,

Not surroundings.

That’s when the view comes through

In times and places unexpected.

The shock, though subtle,

Is still strong.

Such is the time –

I’ve looked at this photo for years


Bothering my mind not,

And still I saw just branches and an occasional face.

It was when questioning came –

Of the fairness of reality,

Of the sense of trying hard,

That I saw them,

The runes of abundance.

Just trees they were,

And just trees I always seen in them

Yet when I needed to know it,

Their growing grace came through

With me least expecting it,

Filling my mind with knowing

And my spirit with feeling cared

For many a time.

Plentifulness is not always noticed,

But it is present,

Just like the earth keeps springing with life,

Unseen, uncared for by our ever-busy minds,

Yet it’s always pulsing in its own steady dance,

Ignoring my impatience

And short belief circuits failures.

Subjectively Generalized

Somebody in the meeting long time back said something meaningful about sobered up folks reuniting families, adding “There must be something seriously wrong with you if the sound of kids playing and laughing doesn’t make you happy.” No matter how much strong and connected I felt that morning prior and through half of the meeting, I somehow managed to find myself thrown to the side of the road by those words, coming out of the mouth of the person I respected a lot. I don’t like the sounds of kids running around shrieking. Call me weird, I don’t mind. That’s how I feel. No big deal for me. No big deal for me to consider there is something really wrong with me, either. But there are others. They may feel inferior in that room designed for care. I tried to get over my “thinking too much” which I know I do have… and I couldn’t, because generalizations stink. I hear them a lot.

“We all know,” they say. They like saying that. Maybe there is a desire to be part of it all. Maybe there is a need to think you know more than you know you know. At any rate, it doesn’t help.

When someone says something in the vein of “everybody does it” or “you all know”, it has a potential to be a thorn in someone’s side. Maybe it’s just me… but maybe not? The only time it does speak the truth about us the everybody, is when that song on the radio comes up, singing “everybody hurts.” That I cannot argue with.

Yet the rest of them generalizations and maxims, such as “never” and “always”, they don’t help, because we are all different, and some of us don’t have others’ experience and they can and do feel inferior to the rest. Words can single people out more than actions.

Nothing is absolute in this world. Subjective statements are not cool when imposed on others. Let’s try not to do that to each other, especially in the meetings. I assume we are all there to heal and connect, not break away, hmm?

[the image of deer Algiz, the rune of protection, health and spiritual connection, was copied from thank you.]

add tea dude

Today and everyday

I need to remind myself:

You have a right

To have a good day.

You also have a right

To have a bad day.

It’s your choice.

In the midst of cataclysms,

Most of it boils down

To your attitude

To the way things and people are

And will be.

[image was copied from and cropped by me. thank you.]